大: big; large铁人: iron man地球: the earth; the globe静止: static; motionless; at a sta ...日: and铁甲人-地球静止之日: giant robo甲人-地球止之日: johnny sokko and his flying robot地球静止轨道: geostationary orbit地球静止卫星: geostationary satellite大铁人: giant robot; the iron grant地球静止轨道卫星: geosynchronous earth orbit satellite地球静止气象卫星: geostationary meteorological satellite; gms地球静止卫星轨道: geostationary satellite orbitt地球静止气象卫星系统: gmss geostationary meteorological satellite system地球静止业务环境卫星: geostationary operational environmental satellite; goes地球静止业务气象卫星: geostationary operational meteorological satellite; goms静止之比即: tukmaxx相对地球静止轨道静止卫星: geo geostationary earth orbit地球静电场: earth electrostatic field地球静力学: geostatics地球静压力: geostatic pressure关于使用地球静止轨道的世界无线电行政会议: world administrative radio conference on the use of the geostationary orbit外层空间和地球静止轨道定义和定界工作组: working grouon the definition and delimitation of outer space and geostationary orbit地球停转之日: the day the earth stood still肾小球静止期滤过率: resting glomerular filtration rate